Pure Land Buddhism

In a degenerate age, a simple Buddhist practice that anyone could resort to for enlightenment: devotion to Amitābha Buddha as expressed in the nembutsu. Thanks to Amitābha's compassion, beings are born in the Pure Land (Sukhāvatī in Sanskrit) where they can achieve enlightenment more easily.

Buddhismus des reinen Landes

In einem degenerierten Zeitalter, eine einfache buddhistische Praxis, auf die jeder zur Erleuchtung zurückgreifen kann: Hingabe an Amitābha Buddha, wie im Nembutsu ausgedrückt. Dank Amitābhas Mitgefühl werden Wesen im Reinen Land (Sukhavatī auf Sanskrit) geboren, wo sie leichter Erleuchtung erlangen können.

Cultivation must be contrary to secular trends. People in the world think that if I keep working hard for myself, I will get something. But to practice Taoism, the principle is just the opposite. When you learn to do things for others, and you don't want anything for yourself, at this time, you have achieved Taoism.

How do we train this mind and combine it? There are many examples in daily life. When many of our female Taoist friends are cooking in the kitchen, they are just doing stir-frying. How can they integrate it with Buddhism in their hearts? Can they be combined? What are you thinking about when cooking? Have you ever made a wish?...

Lecture by Master Mèng-cen

Especially in the Sad-dharma-vipralopa, there are quite a lot of evil ghosts and gods around us. Even those who show mercy do good, when they are dying, hundreds and thousands of ghosts and gods will come and disturb you, change into your relatives, lead you to fall, not to mention those who do evil.



cut off eating five pungent roots

A person in Bodhicitta should never eat these five pungent roots (Welsh onion, Garlic, Garlic chive, scallion, Onion). This is the first step of gradual practice.

-The Surangama Sutra volume 8


Avalokiteshvara, the pure and undefiled sage. In times of suffering, agony, danger, and death. When you are at the point of utmost suffering, when you are going through pain and suffering, at the peak of anxiety, or when you are about to encounter any danger, when you are about to die, when there is a disaster, this is something that can be relied upon, something you can rely on, something that serves as your protector, you can rely on it, it protects you, he can protect you, you can serrender your body, mind and life entirely to Avalokiteshvara. Avalokiteshvara will certinly help you, certinly protect you.


If you see Pratītyasamutpāda, you can see the Buddha.

People who hear this Dharma, they would have all achieved the Buddhahood. Bhagavān in future, whose number is beyond enumeration.

-Lotus Sutra volume 1

Lotus Sutra Ch.26 Dhāraṇī

Lecture by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Some people can't read, how do they adhiṣṭhāna this Lotus Sutra?

Chant "Namo Lotus Sutra" concentratedly, read the name of the sutra only, is the same as reading the whole of the sutra. Because you can't read, and this is a way. Another way is that you can ask someone to help you adhiṣṭhāna it, ask someone to read it for you, ask someone to explain it for you, and ask someone to write it for you.


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