Not moved by the six sense organs, equal to cutting off twelve-linked chain away from the Dark Lord's territory.
Don't be robbed by the six thieves
The Venerable Master Hsuan-Hua gave a lecture
You have to know that our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind are all great thieves. Don't consider the eyes are helping you, you have not become a Buddha now, it is because these eyes are doing mischief. Not only the eyes are thief, but also the ears, the nose, the tongue, the body, the mind. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, these are the six thieves.
The Buddha said, "Be careful not to believe your own mind; your mind is not to be believed. After you have attained Arhatship, you can believe your own mind."
I tell you, it is impossible to find the answer walking on this path with consciousness, even if you think you have found it, it cannot solve the problem of reincarnation. Since it cannot solve the problem of reincarnation, is it useful? So, to put it bluntly, exhaustively guessing and understanding, and even search for annotations in Sūtra,...