Buddha & Bodhisattva

Buddha is also called the Great Enlightened Golden Immortal.



Lecture by Venerable Master Hsuan-Hua 

Now we talk about the world and the name of Buddha. I hope that after hearing the name of the Buddha, everyone will feel that this Buddha is destined to me, and I will chant the name of this Buddha with all my heart.

There is a profound meaning here, contained. Not words but actions. Hearing the name of the Buddha can eliminate countless sins; if you chant the name of the Buddha, there are even more incredible merits.

Anyone who has this kind of delusion thinks that talking about the world and Buddha's name all day long is of little use - this is a person who is too smart but becomes Moha.

Now that the reason has been explained clearly, don't be suspicious. The sutras are spoken by the golden mouth of our master, Sakyamuni Buddha. One word is worth a thousand pieces of gold, the truth is endless, and the benefits are endless.





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