100 practice quotes from the old monk Guang-Qin(釋廣欽) part 4


Lecture by Master Guang-Qin(釋廣欽)

82. Approval of others' good deeds. If you also approve of their bad deeds, your own sin will be doubled.

83. Gods look at us like black poisonous insects, and we are like worms in the toilet. Amitābha Buddha made forty-eight great vows to take us to the Western Sukhāvatī, but we are greedy for this Saha world and regard suffering as happiness. Just like the bugs in the toilet, we think it is very smelly, but the bugs are greedy for the stinky place. If the bugs are put in clean water, the bugs will die.

84. You don't need to read too many books, just recite the Buddha's name more often. Once your wisdom is opened, Sutta Piṭaka will naturally be in your heart.

85. You can let go of anything. Letting go is skilled ability. Ordinarily, one should not be tied to anything, so as not to continue reincarnation as soon as thoughts arise at the end of life.

86. Men and women must be clearly separated, even if they live to be a hundred years old. Unless you are enlightened and have achieved abhisaṃbuddha Phala and have inner strength. Otherwise, it is easy to go wrong.

87. Human life is impermanent. If you can't take a breath, your life will be over. Hurry up and make progress bravely diligently, don't Pramāda(lose your vigilance), and recite the Buddha's name more is a top priority.

88. Old monk Xuyun mended the same clothes when they were torn, and continued to wear them after they were mended. He kept his beard so long that it didn't matter whether he had a meal or not. Just to end the cycle of life and death, he practiced bravely and diligently and gave up his body.

89. Eat less, sleep less, and use your energy on practice.

90. This stinky skin bag is lent to us to live in, but we often create countless bad karma for it.

91. If you sweep the floor clean and your teacher insists that you haven't, and you argue with him, this is the disposition of laypeople. If you can accept it, say: 'Okay! good! I sweep it clean.' This is practice.

92. What can be considered as practicing asceticism? That means don't square accounts in every detail, not making any distinction in daily life, that is practicing asceticism.

93. While walking, standing, sitting or lying down, you are chanting Buddha's name at the same time. Once you calm down and recite, you will realize that our hearts are outside all day long, and we do not observe whether our hearts are on Amitābha Buddha. We cannot put our hearts on believers or on outside state.

94. In the past, when Hanshan and Shide saw someone celebrating a wedding, they clapped hands and laughed: "Look, he marries his grandmother and eats his aunt." People called them crazy monks and talked nonsense. He called a pig by its name from its past life, and the pig actually came over. There is indeed reincarnation.

95. To learn Buddhism, one should have some enlightenment and experience based on the Master's instructions. The point is not to say more. If say it much, it means that you'll still be circling.

96. There are many obstacles and delusions encountered when chanting Buddha's name, and even reciting a sentence is not easy.

97. As disciples, no matter how serious the master's fault is, we cannot say it. If we hear people say what their master is like...but if we actually say these words, their sins will all be attributed to us: the sin of talking about the fault of catasrah parsadah (four groups).

98. Cultivation should be unhindered, like a bird making a nest, "soup pot is nearby caged chickens, a wild crane has no food where the world is wide", it flies anywhere and in anywhere, and just fly away anywhere, it is the most Ishvara bird. The key to practice is to be unfettered by everything, and your mind will be calm, and then recite the Buddha, not moved as if Tathātā.

99. Listening to teachings is not about whether you listen too much or not, but whether you listen thoroughly or not. Even if you can listen, you still need to be able to apply it.

100. If one person practices well, others will also be blessed (if one person is blessed, the whole house will be filled with blessings), and everyone will be brave and learn from him. Everyone wants to practice, practice together, and encourage each other. Otherwise, disputes, jealousy, and ignorance will arise, and everyone will be unstable.





Sutta Piṭaka


abhisambuddha 證

















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