Chanting Sūtras in right perception


Author: Chinese Tiantai Sect Master Zhiyi

If you want to recite sutras to extinguish your sins, you must first wash yourself, dignify your appearance with manner postures, and sit in a separate seat with lotus posture. The second step is enter the meditation: the seat you are sitting on is high, wide and solemn; then meditate that under the seat there are heaven-dragons, eight groups and the catasrah parsadah audiences surrounding you listening to the Dharma. Then you have to use your heart to meditate.

Meditate that I can be a Dharma master, preach the true teachings of Buddhism to the catasrah parsadah audiences. Thinking that what you say can be heard and accepted not only by the people in this one seat, but also by people in all directions. This is called false perception. (It's saṃyoga).

Secondly, think that this person who can preach and the sutra he recites. What are the sutras exactly? The scriptures? Or the paper and ink? Or the standard axis? Reciting-sounds come from the mouth? Come out from the reconciliation of the gums and jaws? Is there my body exist? There's no selfbody? Who is the reciter? Chanting by heart? Chanting by mouth? Appeared from Saṃyoga? Think: the catasrah parsadah audiences, do they really exist? Or they appear from the thoughts? The catasrah parsadah audiences actually do not exist, and there's no a me can recite it. This is called śūnya perception.

Although there's no a sutra can be recited, there are scriptures, paper and ink, and writing; although there are no people who can recite, there is my body who can preach to the people coming from all directions; although isn't inside or outside, it isn't away from inside outside. Although it isn't the body or speech, nor comes from the body or speech. From beginning to end, there must be no mistakes and the name is incredible. Being able to do this interpretation, being able to meditate this way, it is called obtain the three perceptions in one heart, not before, not after. And the three perceptions are clear.

Although no giver, there is Dharma giving. Although no recipient, the catasrah parsadah is shining. Although no Dharma seat, take the sit and proclaim. Not one, two, three, but one, two, three. This is called Dharma-giving Dānapāramitā. Recite and maintain concentratedly, without any hindrance, is called upholding the precepts. Be patient with bad emotions, fame, wealth and gain, you are not be annoyed by them, this is called patience. Being single-minded and never slacking off from beginning to end is called diligence. Concentrate on chanting this sutra without any confusion is called Zen. Distinct without error. The introduction, the purpose, and the circulation are all carefully and deeply understood, and the sentences are clear, which is called Prajna. This is called have all six Paramita.

If you practice this sutra yourself, it will be called sarvadharmatathatā; if you teach it to outsiders, it will be called provisional convenience.

If you achieve meritorious deeds in this way in your lifetime among the no beginning mind, it is called the right cause.

Still have the observing mind, it will be called the cause of comprehension.

You preach to the catasrah parsadah on a high seat, this is called pratītya-samutpāda cause.

The three perceptions are sufficient. If the perceptions are not clear yet, just only have natural abilities. After studying endlessly, observing the heart saṃyukta, it is called entrusting the holy fetus, and achieve Dao by the fetus-body, this is called cultivated ability.

The middle forty-one of the ranks of Bodhisattvas, they cultivate and also with natural ability, finally accomplished the Buddha's enlightenment, this is called all Dharma wisdom. The three points of the word "∴", neither vertical nor horizontal, are called the Great Nirvana; are called reach the other shore, are called paramārtha-śūnyatā. Equality great wisdom is called chant sutras. Rightly meditate Buddhas of the three generations are born from this. Those who believe, can give it. Don't say it, if there's no faith. Thirdly, it's about the circulating person: If regulate and deliver yourself, this is not called mercy. Seeing hardship without saving, it is not called compassion. Cultivate until right perception comes out, then you should dignify the dharma realm. At the end of the sutra-recitation, after leaving the meditation, one can observe merit by this:

Those who have already attained enlightenment are willing to deliver beings widely: those who have ascended to the ranks, they will all ascend to the high ground; and use the method of compassion to help those who have not yet entered the rank. Hope every future lifebeings accomplish Enlightenment in Buddhism together.


"Saṃyoga", is a Buddhist term meaning the gathering of causes and conditions. It is one of the mind-non-correspondence practices of the Yogacara group. "The causes and conditions come together", has become common term.


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