Eating meat is the chief culprit of catastrophes


Lecture by Venerable Master Hsuan-Hua

In Buddhism, there are Sad-dharma (the periods of the correct dharma), Sad-dharma-pratirūpaka (semblance dharma), and Sad-dharma-vipralopa (degenerate dharma), all of which are response manifested by the karma of all living beings.

In the Sad-dharma era, the blessings of the ancients were vast and profound, and their wisdom was high. The water in the ground was as nutritious as milk, and the same was true for the water everywhere.

By the time of Sad-dharma-pratirūpaka, the water people drank was no longer so nutritious and delicious. Now is in the degenerate dharma era, the water we drink is not only devoid of nutrients, but also contains many kinds of poisons.

Some people say, "We have disinfected the water." Even so, the poison is still there and cannot be eliminated. Therefore, in this world, there are more and more poisons every day, polluting the air, so the air is also filled with poison. Because people in the world use too many poisons, they inhale the toxins into their bodies, undergo chemical reactions, and then reflect them out, filling the air with the toxins.

The void now is filled with all kinds of poisonous gases. We already know that atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc. are the most dangerous and powerful weapons, but the poison released by each person's mouth is more powerful than any other poison, so the world is getting worse day by day. Because he was infected by the poisonous gas, he was drunk and dreaming every day, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, poisoning, bullying, abduction, cheating, and stealing, and he was expert in everything. This situation is really too dangerous!

So, what should we do if we want to disinfect the world? We need everyone to be vegetarian and not eat meat. If you can eat vegetarian fast, the poison will be reduced day by day. If we want to truly disinfect the world, we need to become vegetarians and not eat meat. Because the flesh of all living beings is poisonous, the poison is very subtle. You won't notice it when you eat it, but you will slowly become infected with the poison. Moreover, this kind of poison is so powerful that no medicine can cure it, because the grievances involved are too deep.

So, the ancients said:

Gēng in the bowl for thousands of years, injustice is as deep as the ocean and hatred is hard to overcome; If you want to know the calamities of swords and weapons in the world, listen to the midnight sound of the slaughterhouse.

For thousands of years, the bowl of soup we eat looks like just a bowl of soup, but the hatred in it is as deep as the ocean.

We must know that in the world, people fight against each other, families fight against families, countries fight against countries, planets against planets, and wars with each other are all caused by eating meat.

All disasters such as weapons, water, fire, and plagues are caused by eating meat. If you want to understand the reason, just go to the slaughterhouse in the middle of the night and listen. Pigs cry when pigs are killed, cows cry when cows are killed, sheep cry when sheep are killed. In short, whatever is being killed is crying. When they cry, they are releasing poison! Release a burst of poisonous gas and cry while saying: "Okay! If you kill me now, I will kill you in the future. There will be no end for us. If you kill me, I will kill you. If you eat me, I will eat you!" Therefore, all kinds of grievances and poisons are formed, filling the void.

Because the void is filled with a poisonous atmosphere of injustice, causing all kinds of disasters. If everyone becomes vegetarian, these injustices will be subsided, and war will be turned into friendship, violence into peace, and the impending disaster may be averted!


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