Have you ever made this wish while cooking?


Lecture by Master Mèng-cen

How do we train this mind and combine it? There are many examples in daily life. When many of our female Taoist friends are cooking in the kitchen, they are just doing stir-frying. How can they integrate it with Buddhism in their hearts? Can they be combined? What are you thinking about when cooking? Have you ever made a wish? According to what Manjushri and Wisdom Leader Bodhisattva say about "making good use of your mind," you should make vows.

I have discussed this issue with many Taoist friends. When you cook, you should make a vow: "The food I cook is more delicious than the food in heaven. Whoever eats it will definitely be happy. And my dish, whoever eats it will be able to eliminate difficult diseases, eliminate disasters, have no pain, and be healthy physically and mentally. "

Let's not talk about whether the dish has this effect. If you can cultivate your mind in this way, you already have a great Bodhisattva heart.

Have you ever thought about it this way? How many of our female Taoist friends have thought about this when cooking? Have you ever made such a wish? For us, after eating the dish I cooked, the cancer disappeared. We don't need to take any medicine. My dish is the medicine. Food itself is medicine. We only know that when we are hungry, eating can relieve hunger, but we do not know its magical function: diseases enter and exit through the mouth. Do you know that?

I have met such a bodhisattva who made vows. If you eat her diet, your cancer will disappear. This is her blessing! Because her heart is connected with yours, this is the experience of the heart.

In daily life, you must "make good use of your mind" and integrate it with your daily life. For example, we housewives have to cook and prepare food for the whole family at home. Is this practicing the Bodhisattva path? Is it Bodhicitta?

If you think it's just cooking and sitting around the boiler, that's not bodhicitta, it's confusion. If you think this is practicing the Bodhisattva path, you should take care of the sentient beings around you; if you let them eat the food you cook, they will be able to understand, be motivated, and be free from sufferings such as three disasters and eight obstacles, after eating the food you cook, they can develop Bodhicitta, gradually practice Upaya methods and the Bodhisattva path, and gradually become a Buddha. Then, your cooking is not just cooking, it is making offerings to all living beings, and even enabling all living beings to be saved.







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