Induction of practicing Medicine Buddha Dharma


Lecture by Master Chan Yun(釋懺雲)

When I was building the main hall, there was a layman who told me to hire a young man who could help me build the main hall. Later, I got to know this young man, but I didn't dare to use him. This layman must use him, but I can't.

Your Dāna(donation) is Dāna(donation), I cannot accept your conditions - I must use his. If it's good, I'd love it; if it's not suitable, I can't use it. I thought to myself: If I have money, I will build. If I don't have money, I would rather stop construction.

What to do?

I was reminded of the words in "Master Hong Yi's Lectures": Seek to be reborn in Sukhāvatī. When you arrive at Sukhāvatī, gold will be the ground and there is no need to ask for money. However, in the Saha world, everything requires money. What about building main hall? I am reminded of the words of Master Hong Yi. When we are still in the Saha world and have not yet been born into Sukhāvatī, we pray to Medicine Buddha to be blessed and practice the Medicine Buddha Dharma.

When I remembered it, I started practicing the Medicine Buddha Dharma.

" Medicine Buddha Dharma Practice Ritual" I found and printed this from "The Complete Lectures of Master Hong Yi".

I stood in front of the Buddha, lit incense, and recited "Namo constant existence Buddha in all directions, Namo constant existence Dharma in all directions, Namo constant existence Sangha in all directions," each prostration once, totaling three prostrations. Then, bow to Medicine Buddha. Then bow to our master, Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddhist Dharma we have now is all passed down by our master, Buddha's grace is immeasurable. Bow once more to our teacher Shakyamuni Buddha.

Then recite the verse praising Medicine Buddha, " Refuging life to the realm of the full moon." My physical and mental world: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, including the Sadindriya (six organs), eight consciousnesses, and my life, all taking refuge to Medicine Buddha sitting in the middle of the great full moon.

Next, recite "Pure and Wonderful Glazed Arya (The Venerable)".

Amitabha Buddha's body is golden, and Medicine Buddha's body is glazed and transparent. How wonderful! Also pure, the Medicine Master Glazed Light Buddha has a glazed body. This colored glaze is like the decorations in a department store. The colored glaze is even more expensive than gold. "Pure and Wonderful Glazed Arya (The Venerable)". Moreover, the glazed body of Medicine Buddha can be seen through, and the whole body can be seen through. I bow in front, and if there is someone standing behind me, I can see him/her from the body of Medicine Buddha, because it is incredibly pure and wonderful, and it is made of seven treasures colored glaze.

"Dharma medicine saves people and heaven. Medicine Master Buddha made twelve vows in the causal stage. He is compassionate and has great aspirations. He is willing to save all living beings. I would like to express my praise and sincerely bow to you. Namo the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Medicine Glazed Light King Buddha who eliminates disasters and prolongs life! " Medicine Buddha's Dharma medicine can save people and gods from suffering from illness or from lack of money.

"Dharma medicine saves people and heaven", we seek the Dharma of Medicine Buddha to save us and bless us.

After reciting, I started to bow twelve times, then sat down and recited Medicine Buddha Mantra.

Recite the whole mantra 21 times or 7 times, and then recite the heart mantra 101 times.

The full name of the Medicine Master Buddha Mantra is "The Medicine Master Tathagata's Initiation Mantra":

南 na 謨 mo 薄 bo 伽 qie 伐 fa 帝 di 鞞 pi 殺 sha 社 she

窶 ju 嚕 lu 薜 pi 琉 liu 璃 li 缽 bo 喇 la 婆 po

喝 he 囉 la 闍 she 也 ye 怛 da 他 tuo 揭 jie 多 duo 也 ye

阿 a 囉 la 喝 he 帝 di 三 san 藐 miao 三 san 勃 bo 陀 tuo 耶 ye

怛 da 姪 zhi 他 tuo 唵ong 鞞 pi 殺 sha 逝 shi

鞞 pi 殺 sha 逝 shi 鞞 pi 殺 sha 社 she

三 san 沒 mo 揭 jie 帝 di 莎 suo 訶 he

After I recited the Medicine Mantra, I did not ask for alms from anyone, the construction fees keep coming, it's incredible!

The main hall has been built, the dormitories on both sides have been built, the old dining hall in front is now a lecture hall, and the Dharma Hall here has been built. Students who live there even climb on the glazed tiles to help take care of it. Build to that location, there is no shortage of construction fees.

This is the efficacious induction of Buddhism that I deeply feel. It is incredible!

" Medicine Buddha Dharma Practice Ritual" has been printed for four editions. Because everyone is waiting for money, they are all short of money, and they all love money. When it is printed, everyone will get rich, so several more editions are printed. After that, I didn't impart.

Today at the Chinese New Year gathering, everyone is talking about getting rich, so I will teach you Medicine Buddha Dharma, it feels very effective! Very effective!

Appendix: "Medicine Master Buddha Dharma Practice Ritual"

Those who wish to practice the Medicine Buddha Dharma should worship the Medicine Buddha statue. The place where Buddha statues are enshrined should not be in the bedroom. If you have no choice but to enshrine a Buddha statue in your bedroom, you should cover it with a clean cloth when you sleep. When the Medicine Master Sutra is not being read or recited, it is advisable to cover it with a clean cloth. The room where Buddha statues are enshrined must be very clean. The floor should be swept every day and the tables should be wiped frequently. The incense offered to the Buddha must be of the highest quality and fragrant. Flowers offered to the Buddha must be chosen to be in full bloom. If it is slightly wilted, remove it. The water in the vase should be changed every day. If flowers are not available, paper ones can be used instead. In addition, such as providing clean water and food, etc., it is up to everyone. However, the food provided must be edible. Unripe fruits and uncooked vegetables are not allowed. The offerings mentioned above should be offered in advance before worshiping the Buddha. Whenever you offer something or pay homage to the Buddha, you must wash your hands and rinse your mouth first.

1. Courteous Worship

Bow down and recite: Namo constant existence Buddha in all directions!

Bow down and recite: Namo constant existence Dharma in all directions!

Bow down and recite: Namo constant existence Sangha in all directions!

Prostrate three times and recite: Namo our master Sakyamuni Buddha (recite the name once per bow)

Prostrate three times and recite: Namo Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathāgata (recite the name once per bow)

2. Admire and praise

After paying homage, knelt down in front of Buddha, put palms together, and sang a verse of praise:

【 Refuging life to the realm of the full moon. Pure and Wonderful Glazed Arya (The Venerable). Dharma medicine saves people and heaven. Made twelve vows in his causal stage. He is compassionate and has great aspirations, willing to save all living beings. I would like to express my praise and sincerely bow to you, worship sincerely.】

(Above, worship once when reciting one sentence)

3. Offerings

After praising, put palms together in front of Buddha and sang an offering verse:

【May this cloud of fragrant flowers fill all the realms of the ten directions

All Buddha lands are adorned with immeasurable incense and splendor

Have all Bodhisattva paths

Achieving Tathāgata fragrance】

4. Recite Buddha name

Sing a verse of praise first:

【Medicine Tathāgata Glazed Light

The flame net is majestic and unmatched

Boundless actions benefit sentient beings

Fulfilled all sentient beings' wishes without retreating

Namo Oriental Pure Glazed World Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathāgata】

Then recite the name【Namo Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathāgata】one 108 times. If you want to recite more, feel free to do so.

5.Recite mantra

Recite the entire mantra of "Medicine Master Tathāgata's Initiation Mantra" 3 times, or 7 times, or 21 times:

南 na 謨 mo 薄 bo 伽 qie 伐 fa 帝 di 鞞 pi 殺 sha 社 she

窶 ju 嚕 lu 薜 pi 琉 liu 璃 li 缽 bo 喇 la 婆 po

喝 he 囉 la 闍 she 也 ye 怛 da 他 tuo 揭 jie 多 duo 也 ye

阿 a 囉 la 喝 he 帝 di 三 san 藐 miao 三 san 勃 bo 陀 tuo 耶 ye

怛 da 姪 zhi 他 tuo 唵ong 鞞 pi 殺 sha 逝 shi

鞞 pi 殺 sha 逝 shi 鞞 pi 殺 sha 社 she

三 san 沒 mo 揭 jie 帝 di 莎 suo 訶 he

Then recite the heart mantra of "Medicine Master Tathāgata's Initiation Mantra" 108 times:

唵ong 鞞 pi 殺 sha 逝 shi

鞞 pi 殺 sha 逝 shi 鞞 pi 殺 sha 社 she

三 san 沒 mo 揭 jie 帝 di 莎 suo 訶 he

6. Transfer of merit and make a vow

Chan Yun

Hong Yi

Arya (Buddhism)


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