Pure Land Buddhism 


The wrong way unable reborn to Sukhāvatī

Lecture by Master Yinguang(Shi Yinguang)

The Pure Land Buddhism focuses on faith and vow. Some people who don't know it pray for human and heaven's blessings, or seek to be reborn as a monk in the next life to promote Buddhism and save all sentient beings. This kind of thinking must be completely rejected, if there is even the slightest trace of it, you will not be able to be reborn.


Lecture by Master Mèng-cen(釋夢參)

I just told you about the essence of the practice of the various Buddha Dharmas mentioned in the Buddhist Sūtras!

A sentence of Amitābha Buddha includes all! We have already talked about this, and a sentence of Amitābha Buddha includes the ten great vows, including the " Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra ", which includes a wide range!


Master Guang-Qin(釋廣欽) said:

The Sukhāvatī wonderland mentioned in the Amitābha Sutra is nothing more than a Buddha who induces sentient beings to chant Buddha, so that they can have spiritual sustenance and goals, mainly by chanting Buddha with one heart, so that the three obstacles are eliminated, and there are no delusions in their heart, and achieve the Svabhāva Sukhāvatī, and taking refuge to Sukhāvatī. Although Sukhāvatī is also delusional, the Buddha after all has no false words. When you are on the verge of dying, if you only think of the Buddha and no other thoughts, and the heart reaches one heart, you still reborn to Sukhāvatī.

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