Seeking rebirth to the Pure Land, chanting Buddha diligently


Lecture by Venerable Master Hsuan-Hua:

Amitābha Buddha in the Western Sukhāvatī, and we --all the sentient beings here -- the sentient beings who chant the Buddha -- as if there are telephone lines with each other.

When we recite Buddha's name here, the phone at Amitābha Buddha's place rings, saying that there are sentient beings in the Saha world reciting Buddha's name there! Where is Amitābha's phone installed? There is a telephone in every hair of Amitābha Buddha. When this phone rings, he says: "Hello!" When that phone rings, he says: " Wèi!" When the other phone rings, He says: "Yes!" When the phone rings, he says: " `Mō xì! Mō xì!" (pronounce / Japanese). So, all these countless telephones are installed on Amitābha. I'm only afraid you don't call this phone. If you call this phone, Amitābha will definitely hear the sound of you reciting "Amitābha"; this is not a joke, this is true.

When we recite "Amitābha Buddha" one time, Amitābha Buddha will hear one recitation; when we recite "Namo Amitābha Buddha" ten times, Amitābha Buddha will hear ten recitations; when you recite it a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, 100 thousand times, when you recite it many times, Amitābha will register it for you: "When this person is about to die, I will definitely pick him up." This registration is written down for you. When you are about to die, you will have no illness or pain in your body, no greed in your heart, and no confusion in your mind. You will have no pain, no pain in your body, and your mind will not be confused. It will be like entering a state of meditation. Amitābha holds a golden platform in his hand and is here to take you to the Western Sukhāvatī, where you will be reborn(upa-pāduka) by a lotus flower, and nine grades lotus flowers are your parents. No matter who practices this method, he will go there.


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