Six meanings of "Sa po ho"


Lecture by Venerable Master Hsuan-Hua

Sa po ho, this is very important. You see there are fourteen "sa po ho" in the Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī, and each sa po ho has six meanings. So, remember, no matter which mantra has sa po ho, it has the following six meanings:

1. Accomplishment:

When you chant this mantra, all your wishes and hopes will come true. If it does not come true, it means you are not sincere. If you are sincere, it will come true. If you have a little bit of doubt about this mantra, it will not come true. You must have true faith, and you will achieve success.

2. Auspiciousness:

When you chant this mantra, all unlucky things will become auspicious, but you must have true faith; if you don't have faith, it won't be auspicious. Whether you have faith or not when you chant the mantra, the Bodhisattva knows it; Whether you have true faith, half faith, less faith or more disbelief, the Bodhisattva will know it. If you want to achieve this kind of achievement, you must have faith; if you want auspiciousness, you must also have faith. If you pray for something, such as your father is sick and you hope he will get better, I will chant a mantra; but you must have true faith for it to work. Or if you say I have a best friend whom I haven't seen for a long time and I hope to see this good friend, you can chant this mantra and have faith, and you will see him soon. Or if you say that you don't have a good friend and hope to have one, then you should also have faith and recite this mantra. After reciting it for a long time, you will also get a good friend. Even if you want to get a good knowledge, you will achieve it.

3. Parinirvana:

Originally, when a monk passes away, enters Nirvana, it is called Parinirvana; but the " Parinirvana " here does not mean death. If I chant this mantra " sa po ho... sa po ho...", then Parinirvana, if chanting cause death, what's the point of me reading this?

I know everyone doesn't want to die. Therefore, it is not death. This Parinirvana is "merit is complete, all obstacles are eliminated." Your merits are perfect and your virtues are at the extreme, not something ordinary people can know. Only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas know your virtues.

4. Stop disasters:

Disasters have stopped, which means there are no more disasters.

5. Gain:

Increase your benefits. When you recite "sa po ho", your benefits will increase, and it will be of special benefit to you.

6. Non-attachment:

It is the "non-dwelling" in the "Diamond Sutra" that "should not abide in any place and raise the Chitta ", there is no place to attach. What does it mean there is no place to attach? It means that nothing is attached to it, which means anything is fine. This is a A-saṃskṛta-dharma, asajskrta yet doing anything; no attachment means asajskrta, and asajskrta is no attachment. But no attachment to the body and mind, and the body and mind have no place to attach to, don't live in the place of troubles, don't live in the place of ignorance, don't live in the heart of greed, anger, foolishness, arrogance and suspicion. Non-attachment means that if you have this kind of heart, you should quickly surrender it. Subduing it means that you have no attachment. Subdue with what? Just use your sword hands eyes. You can say this:

Do you say you are greedy? I will kill your greed; is there a demon with an angry mind? I killed the demon of anger; what about the demon of infatuation? I chopped the demons of infatuation into pieces; I used the sword of King Vajra, which is the sword of wisdom, to subdue these demons and heretics. To subdue the demons and heretics, you must first subdue your own delusions. If you subdue your own delusions, the demons and heretics outside will also be subdued. If you don't have delusions, the demons and heretics from outside won't come; if they come, there's nothing you can do about it.

Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī



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