The Amitābha Sutra


Evaṃ mayā-śrutam. (Thus have I heard.)

At one time the Buddha dwelt at Shrāvastī, in the Jeta Grove, in the Solitary Garden, together with a gathering of great bhikshus, twelve hundred fifty in all, all great Arhats whom the assembly knew and recognized: Elders Śāriputra, Mahāmaudgalyāyana, Mahākāshyapa, Mahākātyāyana, Mahākaushthila, Revata, Shuddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ānanda, Rāhula, Gavāmpati, Pindola-Bharadvāja, Kālodayin, Mahākapphina, Vakkula, Aniruddha, and others such as these, all great disciples; together with all the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas: Dharma Prince Manjushrī, Ajita Bodhisattva, Gandhahastin Bodhisattva, Nityodyukta Bodhisattva, and others such as these, all great Bodhisattvas, and together with Shakra, and the numberless great multitudes from all the heavens.

At that time the Buddha told the Elder Śāriputra:

Passing from here through ten trillion of Buddhalands to the west, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss (Sukhāvatī). In this land a Buddha called Amitābha right now teaches the Dharma.

Śāriputra, for what reason is this land called Sukhāvatī?

All living beings of this Buddha-Kṣetra endure none of the sufferings, but feel every bliss. Therefore it is called Sukhāvatī.

Moreover, Śāriputra, this Land of Sukhāvatī is everywhere surrounded by seven tiers of railings, seven layers of netting, and seven rows of trees, all formed from the four treasures and for this reason named Sukhāvatī.

Moreover, Śāriputra, in Sukhāvatī ,there are pools of the seven jewels, filled with the water of eight meritorious virtues. The bottom of each pool is pure, spread over with golden sand. On the four sides are stairs of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and crystal; above are raised pavilions adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, mother-of-pearl, red pearls, and carnelian.

In the pools are lotuses as large as carriage wheels: green colored of green light, yellow colored of yellow light, red colored of red light, white colored of white light, subtly, wonderfully fragrant and pure.

Śāriputra, Sukhāvatī Buddha-Kṣetra has achieved this dignified-merit.

Moreover, Śāriputra, in that Buddhaland there is always heavenly music and the ground is gold.

In the six periods of the day and night a heavenly rain of mandarava flowers falls, and throughout the clear morning, people of that land, with flower-cage full of the myriads of wonderful flowers, do Pūjā to the ten trillion Buddhas of other Kṣetra. At mealtime they return to this Buddha-Kṣetra. After meal, they practice caṅkamati.

Śāriputra, Sukhāvatī Buddha-Kṣetra has achieved this dignified-merit.

Moreover, Śāriputra, in this Buddha-Kṣetra there are always rare and wonderful varicolored birds: white crane, peacock, parrot, and Śāri, kalavinka, and Jīvajīvaka. In the six periods of the day and night the flocks of birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds. The sounds proclaim dharmas such as: five Indriya, pañca bala, sapta bodhyanga, Ārya aṣṭāṅga mārgaḥ, and so on. People in this Buddha-Kṣetra hearing these sounds, they all think of Buddha, Dharma and Saṃgha.U

Śāriputra, don't think that this bird is born of sin. For what reason? There are no akuśala-gatīḥ in the Buddha-Kṣetra.

Śāriputra, there is no name for akuśala-gatīḥ, let alone the existence. All these birds are the transformations of Amitābha Buddha, in order to spread the sound of the Dharma.

Śāriputra, in that Buddha's land, the gentle breeze blows the jeweled trees and jeweled nets, emitting subtle sounds, like hundreds of thousands of kinds of music, all playing at the same time. Anyone who hears this sound will naturally have the intention to recite Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Śāriputra, Sukhāvatī Buddha-Kṣetra has achieved this dignified-merit.

Śāriputra, what do you think? Why is that Buddha named Amitābha?

Śāriputra, the brilliance of that Buddha's light is measureless, illumining the countries of ten directions everywhere without obstruction, for this reason he is called Amitābha.

Moreover, Śāriputra, the lifespan of that Buddha and his people is countless asamkhya kalpas. For this reason he is called Amitāyus.

Śāriputra, since Amitābha achieved Buddhahood, it has been ten kalpas to this day.

Moreover, Śāriputra, that Buddha has measureless Śrāvaka-disciples. They are all Arhats, which cannot be known by counting. The same is true for all Bodhisattvas.

Śāriputra, Sukhāvatī Buddha-Kṣetra has achieved this dignified-merit.

Moreover, Śāriputra, whoever born there is Avaivart. Among them are many who in this very life will achieve Buddhahood, that it cannot be known by calculation, but it can be said in countless asāṃkhya.

Śāriputra, everyone who hears it should make a vow: I wish to be born in that Buddha-Kṣetra.

And why? You can be with all the superior charitable people¹ .

Śāriputra, you cannot be reborn in that Buddha-Kṣetra without good roots, good blessings, virtues, and Pratītyasamutpāda.

Śāriputra, if there is a good man or a good woman who hears 'Amitābha' and holds the Buddha name, whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days, with one heart there is no confusion, when this person approaches the end of life, Amitābha and all the saints will appear, so his heart is not viparīta at the end of his life, he will be reborn in Amitābha Buddha's Sukhāvatī.

Śāriputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words: if anyone who hear this talk, they should make a vow to be born in that Buddha-Kṣetra.

Śāriputra, as I now praise the inconceivable benefit from the merit and virtue of Amitābha, thus in the east are also Akshobhya Buddha, Sumeru Appearance Buddha, Great Sumeru Buddha, Sumeru Light Buddha, Wonderful Sound Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words: 'All you should believe this, praise the inconceivable merits, and recite this sutra protected by all Buddhas.'

Śāriputra, in the Southern world are Sun Moon Lamp Buddha, Well-known Light Buddha, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha, Sumeru Lamp Buddha, Measureless Vigor Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words: 'All you should believe this, praise the inconceivable merits, and recite this sutra protected by all Buddhas.'

Śāriputra, in the Western world are Measureless Life Buddha, Measureless Appearance Buddha, Measureless Curtain Buddha, Great Light Buddha, Great Brightness Buddha, Jewelled Appearance Buddha, Pure Light Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words: 'All you should believe this, praise the inconceivable merits, and recite this sutra protected by all Buddhas.'

Śāriputra, in the Northern world are Blazing Shoulders Buddha, Most Victorious Sound Buddha, Hard To Injure Buddha, Sun Birth Buddha, Net Brightness Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words: 'All you should believe this, praise the inconceivable merits, and recite this sutra protected by all Buddhas.'

Śāriputra, in the world below are Lion Buddha, Well-known Buddha, Famous Light Buddha, Dharma Buddha, Dharma Curtain Buddha, Dharma Maintaining Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds, and speaks the sincere and actual words: 'All you should believe this, praise the inconceivable merits, and recite this sutra protected by all Buddhas.'

Śāriputra, in the world above are Pure Sound Buddha, King of Stars Buddha, Superior Fragrance Buddha, Fragrant Light Buddha, Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha, Varicolored Jewels and Flower Adornment Body Buddha, Sala Tree King Buddha, Jewelled Flower Virtue Buddha, Vision of All Meaning Buddha, Such As Mount Sumeru Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands. In his own country each brings forth the appearance of a vast and long tongue, everywhere covering the three thousand great thousand worlds and speaks the sincere and actual words: 'All you should believe this, praise the inconceivable merits, and recite this sutra protected by all Buddhas.'

Śāriputra, what do you think? Why is it called «the Sutra Protected by All Buddhas»?

Śāriputra, if a good man or good woman hears this Sūtra and practice it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas, this good man or woman will be protected by all Buddhas, and will irreversibly attain Anuttarā-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, Śāriputra, all of you should believe and accept the talks of me and Buddhas.

Śāriputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make the vow, 'I want to be born in Amitābha's Buddha-Kṣetra,' these people, whether born in the past, now being born, or to be born in the future, all will irreversibly attain Anuttaraā-samyaksambodhi. Therefore, Śāriputra, all good men and good women, if they are among those who have faith, should make the vow, 'be born in that Buddha-Kṣetra.

Śāriputra, as I am now, praising the inconceivable merits and virtues of all the Buddhas, the other Buddhas also praising my inconceivable merits and virtues, saying this:

'Shakyamuni Buddha can complete extremely rare and difficult deeds. In Sahā, the five turbid evil world, turbid kalpa, turbid seeing (drsti-kasāya), turbid affliction, turbid living beings, among turbid lifespan, he can attain Anuttaraā-samyaksambodhi. And for the sake of living beings, preach this Dharma which in the whole world is hard to believe.'

Śāriputra, you should know that I, in the evil time of the five turbidities, practice these difficult deeds, attain Anuttaraā-samyak sambodhi, and for all the world preach this Dharma, difficult to believe, extremely difficult!

After the Buddha preach this Sūtra, Śāriputra and all the bhikkhus, all the Deva and Asura and so on, hearing what the Buddha had said, happily accepted it with faith, bowed and withdrew.

1. According to Master Ouyi Zhixu 《Essential Commentary of Amitābha Sutra》, “the superior charitable people” means the 51st rank Bodhisattvas.

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