The biggest and most difficult thing to cut off


Master Ming-hai

I tell you, it is impossible to find the answer walking on this path with consciousness, even if you think you have found it, it cannot solve the problem of reincarnation. Since it cannot solve the problem of reincarnation, is it useful? So, to put it bluntly, exhaustively guessing and understanding, and even search for annotations in Sūtra, totally is in vain.

Some people meditate " Abhāva", saying that they feel very bored, that's right. I want to make you feel bored; some people say that I can't put in any effort at all to meditate " Abhāva ".

Yes, it is the aim, that you can't put in any effort at all, but you can't give up, and continuously arise the Hua Tou in heart, arise the Hua Tou " Abhāva ".

Secondly, we believe because of our own hearts, except the distinctions and delusions, except the theories and annotations, our reincarnation for countless kalpas is due to this.

What is this? In Buddhism, there is "consciousness" and "discriminating mind". We believe that besides this consciousness, there is another way in our hearts. When we keep meditate " Abhāva ", the activity of this consciousness will gradually weaken, and there will be less and less delusions and distinctions.

Therefore, greed, which is the biggest and most difficult thing to eliminate among people, is actually the monster of discriminating mind. Now I don't give it the things it likes. It likes to eat delicacies? Now I throw bricks, tiles, wood, and nails to it. I'll let you eat it! When we keep throwing bricks, tiles, and wood, the appetite and greed of this discriminating mind monster will stop. Therefore, I think it is a very powerful sharp method to practice Hua Tou.


Hua Tou


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