The causes and conditions of Venerable Ānanda’s never forget the teachings of the Buddha


One day, the Buddha is in the Solitary Garden of Sāvatthī State. The bhikkhus raised this question: "What kind of virtues did the sage Ānanda practice in his past lives, so that he can have such extraordinary results in this life: can memorize the subtle teachings preached by the Buddha, remember all the teachings and not miss a word?" So the monks went to the Buddha's residence and asked the World Honored One for instructions. The compassionate Buddha then explained the karma and results of Venerable Ānanda's past lives.

Countless kalpas ago, a bhikkhu and a novice monk lived together and practiced cultivation. The master loves his disciples very much and has very strict requirements. In addition to asking for alms, he also requires his disciples to study diligently and recite sutras every day. This novice monk originally liked to chant sutras, but he was suffering from lack of food and other qualifications and needed to go out for alms. If the alms round go well, he will have enough time to study. If it does not go well and he returns to the temple late, he will delay his homework and be scolded by his master.

One day, the novice monk's alms round ended late. He thought that he would not be able to complete the homework set by the master today and would be scolded by the master when he returned. The more he thought about it, the sadder he became, and he couldn't help but shed tears. At this time, an elder happened to pass by. Seeing the novice walking and crying, he stepped forward to inquire with concern. The novice replied: "Sir, you don't know something. My master is very concerned about my Taoism, so he stipulates that I should recite sutras every day. If I recite enough sutras, the master will be very happy. If I don't complete my homework, he will scold me." However, because I have to go out for alms every day, the amount of time I have to recite depends on whether my alms goes well. Today, I ended my alms late. I thought that if I couldn't finish my homework, I would definitely make Master angry, that's why I couldn't help crying."

After hearing this, the elder told the novice sincerely: "Please don't be sad anymore. From now on, please come to my house every day to accept my offerings. I am very happy to provide you with food and drink so that you can concentrate on chanting and studying."

From then on, with the support of the elder, the novice monk could concentrate on chanting and studying every day. No matter how many homework the master prescribed, he could complete them as scheduled.

The Buddha told everyone: "The bhikkhu in the story is Dipankara Buddha, the novice is me, and the elder who provides food and drink is Ānanda. Ānanda sincerely protected practitioner in the past live and achieved great blessings. Therefore, in this life, he can listen to the Dharma without forgetting a single word, and obtains such extraordinary results."

When all the bhikkhus heard the Buddha preaching about Ānanda's cause and condition, they all felt great joy, believed in it, accepted it and followed it.

The allusion is taken from: The sutra of virtues and fools, Volume 10



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