The Story of Vinaya Master Daoxuan


In the Tang Dynasty, there was a vinaya master Daoxuan, a descendant of Peng Zu and the son of Qian Shen, the official minister. His mother dreamed that a sun was falling into her belly one day, and that's it, she was pregnant, and soon gave birth to vinaya master Daoxuan.

The vinaya master has been different from other children since childhood. He is born with good manners, upright in seeing and hearing, neat in appearance, and has a serious nature, which is really rare.

Daoxuan has been diligently reciting sutras since he was a child. When he grew up, he was officially apprenticed to teachers and studied. As long as there are learned and moral masters and scholars, no matter how far away they are, he will definitely visit and seek teaching! Therefore, he externally understands the teachings of Hundred Schools of Thought, and internally understands the three learnings of Buddhism: precepts, concentration, and wisdom. He officially became a monk at the age of seventeen. He studied the Buddhist precepts thoroughly and was able to naturally abide by them, no matter in good times or bad. Therefore, the temperament revealed by his noble character is like the fragrance of the lotus; and the light of his wisdom is like a high-hanging torch, illuminating the entire world of the sun and the underworld.

In order to preserve and promote Buddhism, he continued to write throughout his life. He especially studied the Vinaya Pitaka and unearthed all the profound and subtle spiritual meanings of the precepts, making the profound and difficult "Seven Category " and "Five Chapters" of the precepts suddenly clear. In order to preserve and promote Buddhism, he continued to write throughout his life. He especially studied the Vinaya Pitaka and unearthed all the profound and subtle spiritual meanings of the precepts, making the profound and difficult "Seven Collections" and "Five Chapters" of the precepts suddenly clear. In short, the vinaya master Daoxuan's virtues transcended the three realms, and his Taoism was respected by everyone. Therefore, the gods in the sky were moved and automatically protected him.

According to the records in the book " Compilation of the Soul", there is a karma between vinaya master Daoxuan and Manjushri Bodhisattva:

Vinaya master Daoxuan once visited the Qingliang Shan in Shanxi. One day he walked to Zhongtai Mountain, one of the Mount Wutai. As the sun set, the vinaya master took a rest, found a quiet place to sit and meditate, and soon entered meditation.

At this time, a heavenly child came to stand by in attendance beside him. After the vinaya master came out of meditation, he asked him:

"Who are you?"

The child replied: "My name is Xuan-chang. I am a person from the heaven. I have been ordered by Śakra to inspect the Holy Land of Wutai. I heard that you have come to Mount Wutai, so I came here to serve you."

The vinaya master said:

"According to the records in the Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra, Mount Wutai is the transformed Bodhimaṇḍa of Manjusri Bodhisattva, but now I only see rolling hills and common vegetation, just like a place where ordinary people live. Where is the realm of saints? "

The child replied:

"The realm of the mahā-muni (Great S aint) cannot be understood by ordinary people and people of two vehicles. I am just an ordinary person, and you are a practitioner of two vehicles. If we seek an incredible state with a discriminating mind, we will never get it. Haven't you heard: Originally there is no difference between the same Dharma, but when three people look at it from three different angles, they have different opinions and distinctions? You must know that each person has different eyes due to their different karma, so what they see will naturally be different. I tell you the truth: The mountain I see now is completely green and clear of glaze color. In the middle of the mountains, there are precious forests interspersed with them, emitting radiant light. No matter day or night, these lights are shining and reflecting each other. As for where Manjushri Bodhisattva is stationed, it is beyond my ability to know. "

After saying these words, the boy disappeared and never appeared again.

In the winter of the second year of Qianfeng's reign, vinaya master Daoxuan passed away at Ximing Temple in Chang'an. Emperor Mu Zong, who was the emperor at that time, specially made a praise and said: "There is enlightened person in this generation; a messenger of Tathāgata. Dragon and Māra take refuge, mountain God serves.

His fame spreads to five heavens, his words marveled the eon. Golden Crow sinks in the west, Buddha Sun rises in the east. Kneel down and take refuge, worship the Lord of Vinaya."



Peng Zu

Hundred Schools of Thought


two vehicles


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