31 things monks do that can be called ominous


Maître Ouyi Zhixu (1599-1655)

1. Sitting in front of the Buddha and receiving worship from others, is ominous.

2. Swearing in front of the Buddha, is ominous.

3. Scold others from the Dharma throne and quietly criticize the mistakes of previous sages, is ominous.

4. Be worshiped while wearing dirty clothes, is ominous.

5. Curse others when eating, is ominous.

6. Distinguish likes and dislikes about food and arouse hatred and disgust, is ominous.

7. Use silk and brocade as household clothes, is ominous.

8. Use heavy mattresses, heavy mats, silk quilts, and gauze tents for bed bedding, is ominous.

9. Curse people early in the morning, is ominous.

10. Hatred of the small amount of offerings given by believers, which is ominous.

11. Buying slaves to serve as slaves, like a wealthy family, is ominous.

12. While others are working hard, you alone are at ease, is ominous.

13. When others are poor, you alone are rich, is ominous.

14. At a young age, he has already served as a lecturer, Segaki master, and abbot, is ominous.

15. It is ominous for a young man to think that he is young and smart, and to neglect his elders.

16. Rely on his advanced age as a monk to neglect the younger generation, is ominous.

17. Receive valuable offerings for no reason, is ominous.

18. People treat me with sincerity, but I treat them with cunning and deceit, is ominous.

19. He likes to talk about other people's faults and hidden things, which is ominous.

20. Use the temple's public property to benefit his secular original family, is ominous.

21. Pamper Samanera, wear fine clothes and gourmet food, is ominous.

22. His words are often harsh, which makes people uncomfortable, is ominous.

23. Having many Dharma protectors, having many faiths and offerings, and being arrogant, is ominous.

24. Ask someone to take away the drowning vessel when you are not sick, is ominous.

25. It is ominous to be angry with caregivers when you are sick.

26. Urinating while wearing cassock, is ominous.

27. During floods and droughts, you resent the heaven and earth, which is ominous.

28. You owe someone a debt, and when you hear about his death, you feel happy, is ominous.

29. Laughing before speaking is ominous.

30. Having a poor understanding of the teachings, making irresponsible remarks about ancient people, and despising contemporary people, is ominous.

31. Have little knowledge and self-appointment as a master, is ominous.

The above is a loss of good fortune and life span, which often leads to disaster, so it is said to be ominous. Let's share the warning together.

Segaki (feeding the hungry ghosts)




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