To cultivate the Tao, you must make a vow


Lecture by Master Hsuan-Hua

Yesterday I said that Amitābha Buddha is like a magnet, and all sentient beings are like a piece of iron. When iron meets a magnet, it will definitely be attracted by this magnet. I said that other Buddhas are like magnets, but with less power.

Because Amitābha, he has forty-eight vows, and his forty-eight vows are the power of this magnet. Other Buddha also attained Buddhahood, but he did not make these forty-eight vows, so he has less power. Therefore, to practice Tao, you must make a vow, and whatever you wish will come true. Vow, as if there was a street lamp in front of you. You walk forward, there is a light shining there, and the road must be easy to walk. Each of us has to make a vow when we practice Dao.

佛根地〈 1975年佛七開示) 宣化上人主講

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