Transmissions of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts


Precepts for Laypeople

Transmissions of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts and 42 Hands & Eyes

City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, California, U.S.A.

Handbook of Bodhisattva Precepts for Laypeople


Transmissions of Lay Bodhisattva Precepts and 42 Hands & Eyes

City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, California, U.S.A.

◎ Transmission Dates 傳授日期:

Lay Bodhisattva Precepts 在家菩薩戒:

July 7 (Sun) - July 15 (Mon), 2024


42 Hands & Eyes 42手眼:

July 16 (Tue) - July 18 (Thu), 2024


◎ Location 傳授地點:

美國加州萬佛聖城 The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), CA., U.S.A.

◎ Qualifications of Applicants 報名資格:

Lay Bodhisattva Precepts 在家菩薩戒:

1. In good physical and mental health, at least 18 years old. 年滿18歲,身心健康。

2. Having right faith in the Three Jewels and be of good character. 正信三寶,品行良好。

3. Having upheld all Five Precepts for at least six months. 受持滿分五戒 (五戒全受) 半年以上。

4. Be able to participate in the entire transmission session. 能全勤參加傳授課程。

5. To uphold the Bodhisattva Precepts, you must be prepared to be a life-long vegan or lacto-vegetarian.


42 Hands & Eyes 42 手眼:

1. Must receive the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts at CTTB in 2024. Those who have received the Bodhisattva

Precepts earlier may take the precepts again as a refresher. 必須2024年在萬佛城受在家菩薩戒。從前受過菩薩戒者,得報名重受。

2. Good performance demonstrated throughout the training period. 受訓期間表現良好。

◎ Fees 費用:Donation 隨喜 (Room & Board extra 住宿費另計)

◎ Documents for Application 報名所需證件:

1. Application Form for Taking the Lay Bodhisattva Precepts 萬佛聖城在家菩薩戒報名表

2. Questions on Qualifications 問遮難

3. Signed "Regulations for CTTB Residents" Form 萬佛聖城住眾規約

4. CTTB Medical Form for Visitors 萬佛聖城訪客健康狀況表

5. Copy of Passport or other legal photo ID 護照/身份證影印本

6. A copy of Five Precepts certificate 五戒戒牒影印本

7. Recent photo (like that used in passports) 護照用近照

◎ Application Deadline: February 1, 2024 報名截止日期:2024 年2月1日

◎ Application Procedure 報名手續:

網上報名 Online application, 男眾 men: Male Application Form

女眾 women: Female Application Form

其他表格請點擊此連結下載 Other forms please download by clicking the following link: Forms

或向法界佛教總會所屬道場索取報名表格 Or request application forms from a DRBA monastery.

電郵填妥之報名表至 Email your completed application to:

男眾 Men: 女眾

電話 Tel: (707) 462-0939 傳真 Fax: (707) 462-0949

或郵寄至 Or mail to:

CTTB Precept Transmitting Committee 萬佛聖城傳戒委員會

4951 Bodhi Way, Ukiah, CA 95482 U.S.A.

Attn: TM Coordinator (men 男眾) or JGH Coordinator (women 女眾)

◎ Registration 報到:

1. 報到通知單將於 2024年4月1日前 寄發給審核通過者。(由於座位有限,可能無法核准每一位


Successful applicants will receive Notice of Registration before April 1, 2024. (Due to space

limitations, please understand that we may not be able to accept all applications.)

2. 戒子請於 2024年7月7日(星期日)下午三點前抵達萬佛聖城報到

Preceptees should arrive at CTTB for registration before 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 7, 2020.

◎ Reference 參考資料:

在家菩薩戒本手冊 Handbook of Bodhisattva Precepts for Laypeople


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