When you think more about others, your karma will be eliminated


Cultivation must be contrary to secular trends. People in the world think that if I keep working hard for myself, I will get something. But to practice Taoism, the principle is just the opposite. When you learn to do things for others, and you don't want anything for yourself, at this time, you have achieved Taoism.

It is not easy for people to think about others. Although I have taught many times that should think of others, I am actually warning myself. Ordinary people, if they have ego-attachment, they will think more about themselves. I am the same, I think too much about myself. In fact, it is very painful for people who think too much about themselves. So first think less about yourself.

Buddha can only be learned by great spiritual leaders, because it requires dedication, which is not easy. For example, the old monk Xuyun was slandered and even beaten severely for the sake of several monasteries throughout his life. He suffered countless hardships during this period. I read the chronology of the old monk Xuyun and was really moved. I have read it many times. The old monk is really a saint reincarnated practitioner, and he rarely thinks about himself. He was not seeking fame or fortune. When he was in Jizu Mountain, others slandered him, but he did not explain. I often think about a question. The enlightened saint's mind and state are really incredible.

Buddhism has spread to China. Why does it have such a majestic momentum and a spirit of not being afraid of death or tiredness? This is related to the great patriarch's realization of the Great Way. What is Great Way. When Bodhidharma came to China, many people wanted to harm him and poison him, but he ate without hesitation. Several generations of founders of Zen Buddhism have devoted their lives to Buddhism. We talked about realizing the Great Road, which is very crucial. You know, no one can really die, be reincarnated, and come again.

The Lotus Sutra says that the Buddha's lifespan is infinite. The same is true for humans, their lifespan is infinite. What should he do in his infinite lifespan? This is something that Zen people realize. Which type of person among lay practitioners is more inclined to be liberated? There are some old grannies who have lived a life of peace and quiet, raising families and children, and suffered a lifetime of hardship. When they reach old age, they feel that their tasks have been completed, and they feel that they have fulfilled their responsibilities to their families and children. She recites the Buddha's name, she no longer had any worries, and it was easy for her to pass away peacefully when she is dying.

Don't underestimate this state. She has endured hardship all her life for her children. This is also a process of breaking away from self- attachment. Many of us only think about our own liberation. We don't care about anything. We are too obsessed with our own ideas and fail to fulfill our family or monastic responsibilities. When we get old, we search our consciences and realize that we have been selfish for ourselves all our lives. If you spend your whole life just for yourself, this is karma obstruction.







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