Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment

When Enlightenment is fulfilled, it should be known that the Bodhisattva is not to be tied by Dharmas, nor will he seek a Dharma way to escape; that he is not tired of life and death, nor is he attached to Nirvana; that he would not overly revere those who abide by Precepts, nor would he abhor those who violate the Preceptive Prohibitions; that he would not over-venerate veteran practitioners, nor would he disparage neophytes.
Wherefore is it so?
Everything is Enlightenment.
-Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment
Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment
They need to take the circumstances, either favorable or unfavorable, as a-saṃskṛta-dharma. And then comprehend that both body and mind are ultimately equal—for all of you here and all Multibeings as well, are of one the same Noumenon. Only study this way would lead you to the Consummate Enlightenment.