Go to Sukhāvatī
If you practice in this bad five muddiness world, you often regress a lot.
So, it is better to recite Buddha's name and go to Sukhāvatī; when you get there, you will naturally achieve enlightenment and return to this bitter-sea as a bridge.
Author: Master Fa-zhao(747~821)
Master Ouyi Zhixu(1599—1655) said,
Although Sukhāvatī is idealism pure land, there is indeed a place to reach;
Although Amitābha is Amitābha by Svabhāva, there is indeed a Buddha who can be worshipped.
Lecture by Master Chan Yun(釋懺雲)
Ordinary people think that becoming a Buddha is difficult, but in fact it is not. Buddha and all sentient beings are all created by a kind of conceptual work. One thought of the Buddha contains enough of the Ten Dharma Realms; one thought of all sentient beings also contains ten Dharma Realms. If a thought of greed arises, it is...
Only by constantly reciting the Buddha's name in your dreams can you escape from suffering
Lecture by Venerable Master Zibo
Lecture by Venerable Master Hsuan-Hua:
Pure Land Buddhism
The wrong way unable reborn to Sukhāvatī
To cultivate the Tao, you must make a vow
Yesterday I said that Amitābha Buddha is like a magnet, and all sentient beings are like a piece of iron. When iron meets a magnet, it will definitely be attracted by this magnet. I said that other Buddhas are like magnets, but with less power.
About born to Sukhāvatī along with karma
All appearances are illusory and appear only by heart. The Western Sukhāvatī, as described in the Amitābha Sutra, include gold, silver, glazed glass and all solemnities, which are established expediently, for the all beings who are used to distinguish and grab all appearances.
Obstacle to born to Sukhāvatī
The root of doubt has not been pulled out, which is an obstacle to born to the west
The Amitābha Sutra
Evaṃ mayā-śrutam. (Thus have I heard.)

Lecture by Master Shandao
If the illness is very serious, when I am about to lose my breath, my family can't cry, you have to recite the Buddha to me neatly together, and only after I really die, you can grieve and cry. Because if I have the slightest reluctance, this will become a memento of my concern for the world, and it will make me unable to go to the Pure Land, I will not be able to get liberation.

Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra volume 45
One kalpa in this Sahā Śākyamuni's Kṣetra is equivalent to one day and one night of Sukhāvatī Amitabha's Kṣetra.

Planting the Buddhaic seeds in the eighth consciousness
Namo Amitabha Chanting

Lecture by Master Mèng-cen
I just told you about the essence of the practice of the various Buddha Dharmas mentioned in the Buddhist Sūtras!
A sentence of Amitābha Buddha includes all! We have already talked about this, and a sentence of Amitābha Buddha includes the ten great vows, including the " Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra ", which includes a wide range!