Yogachara / Cheng Weishi Lun

The eighth consciousness is equivalent to a warehouse for us. When our life ends, we return to the eighth consciousness; when our life begins, we start from the eighth consciousness. When we change from one life to another, it plays a very important transition point, " the last one leaves and the first one comes, be the host "

Definition:遍計所執性 (parikalpitah-svabhāva). The nature of existence produced from attachment to all-pervasive discrimination; the existences produced from one's illusory attachment and falsely considered to be real.

Starts with the sixth consciousness, and the key to success or failure lies in the seventh consciousness

Use the sixth consciousness to study sutras, think logically, communicate with the seventh consciousness with reason, use the truth to dissolve the attachment of the seventh consciousness.

The entire sect of Yogachara is the Śamatha of the sixth consciousness, and its purpose is to destroy the attachment of the seventh consciousness (Manas-vijnana).

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